About us

EMS system

Environmental Management System. This is a system that is designed to protect the natural environment.

ISO 14 001

The Company’s Board of Directors recognised the importance of ecological behaviour requirements for the future existence of the company; and therefore approved the concept of Environmental Management, at its' meeting in November 1999. Certification to ISO 14 001 has subsequently been achieved.

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EMS policy to protect the environment

In view of the growing demand for complex solutions, preparation was commenced for the implementation of environmental management within the company according to the requirements of ISO 14 000, with certification expected in the first quarter of 2000.

EMS Policy

PLASTIKA Kromeriz undertakes to enforce the following principles of its EMS concept:

Applying the EMS standards to protect environment
Continuously applying the environmental approach in all areas of our activity and consider it as a key issue of next development.
Respecting valid legislation and customers’ requirements
In relation with the environment, co-operating with authorities, ensuring their awareness as well as the awareness of public, colleagues, customers and suppliers including communication of the achieved results. Respecting the European, Czech and customers’ policies for the environmental protection, legitimate internal and external observations and not to use material that contains excess amount of prohibited substances.
Continuously reducing the negative effects of activities on the environment
Reducing the energy, material and raw material demands of manufacturing by means of modernization of production, maximum use of resources by its sustainable and effective management, waste and pollution reduction, and thereby minimized drawing the natural resources. In the areas of collection and handling of waste ensuring its safe handling.
Increasing the energy efficiency of processes and the share of renewable energy
Making the maximum effort when implementing the tools for increasing of energy efficiency to increase an energy efficiency of processes with significant effect on the reduction of energy consumption in all their forms. Consciously and systematically supporting a procurement of low-powered products and services and supporting new concepts how to reduce the energy consumption. Working on reduction of CO2 emission and where possible, increasing the share of renewable energy.
Continuously and targeted educating the employees about environmental protection
Motivating all of us to observe environmental discipline.
Monitoring, verifying and continuously improving the EMS
All with an emphasis on preventing the generation of waste and pollution of the environment. The results are to be continuously analysed, reviewed by the company top-management and relevant corrective and preventive actions, that shall lead to the continuous improvement of environmental protection in the enterprises of the PLASTIKA Group, are to be taken.

Improvement tasks

A part of our quality policy and EMS include improvement of tasks such as:

  • limitation of overheads (extra work, repairs, etc.)
  • production process simplification
  • shortening mold change out times
  • lessening energy and material costs
  • minimising losses, etc.
  • reducing machine downtime
  • optimising production cycle lengths
  • improving the work environment (cleanliness, order, lighting, path marking etc.)
  • comply with all environmental legislation.

This quality policy and EMS commit all associates and employees of the company to fulfil these principles at their workplaces.